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Allendale Caravan Park
Located in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Caravan sales, photographs, history, and links.
Allendale First School
General information, community, aims, Ofsted report, jokes, links, children's work and contact details.
Allendale First School
Primary school. Details of school, activities and information for parents.
Allendale Golf Club
Includes details of green fees, location, virtual tour, club history and downloadable screensaver.
Fairlambs of Allendale
Documenting the history and heritage of the family from the town. Based on the research of Sheila Bell.
Motorcycle Ride at Hartside
Devised by motorcylists this popular bike location is promoted with photos and information for bikers.
Northumberland Communities: Allendale
General information about the town plus photographs and manuscripts.
Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey
Monastery and retreat centre in the Serene Reflection Meditation Tradition (Soto Zen) within the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives.