english deutsch
Disability Resources
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Ox Eyes, Oxfordshire Dyslexia Association, Tricycle Centre for Children
Oxfordshire Surname Interest List
A History of the Oxfordshire Cotswolds in Old Phot, Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society
Personal Pages
Alice Bowen's Home Page, Julian Littlewood, Suzanne, The Headeys
Oxfordshire Bahais, Saint George, Buckland and Bl. Hugh Faringdon Roma, South Oxon Methodists, St Nicholas' Church, Rotherfield Greys
BCS Oxon
Oxfordshire branch of the British Computer Society, the chartered professional institution for information systems engineering. Details of meetings, past events and committee members.
CPRE Oxfordshire
A branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) which helps people protect their local countryside and rural communities. Includes news, membership information, location map and contact information.
Family Nurturing Network
Oxfordshire based Charity who help to improve family relationships and help children succeed in life.
Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrats
News, contacts and photos from the LibDems in the two constituencies.
Oxfordshire Crop Circles
Details of crop circles discovered in Oxfordshire from 1994 onwards. Includes photo documentation.
Oxfordshire Guiding Association
Information on events and training, the guiding diary and general background on the association.
Oxon Linux User Group
Oxfordshire Linux User's Group. Includes group description, events, F.A.Q., members and contact information.
Portal for young people provided by the County Council's youth service. Includes a general guide to everyday life, latest news, what's on and game zone.
UHHS Stuff
Upper Heyford High School alumni site. Contains photos, reunion information, links and guestbook.