english deutsch
Arthur Hart Webbing
Manufacturer of woven narrow fabric for industrial, fashion, aerospace and military markets. Provides company overview, details of applications and contacts.
Books Galore
Location map and contact details for local bookshop, includes list of collectable items in stock.
Brine Plastering
Plastering service. Small jobs undertaken. Includes illustrations of work in progress.
Coombe Farm Fruits
Specialist in organic and conventional fruit sauces for the food industry, product and contact information.
Provides details of computer related services offered including computer supply and repairs, internet access, training and website design.
Hilton Herbs
Profile of equine and canine herbalists. Provides product details, online ordering and contacts.
Hurle House
Restaurant and catering business. Includes details of opening times, services, menus, prices and contact information.
Iconography Ltd
Details and examples of the services offered by this web design and digital communications company.
North Perrott Fruit Farm
Pick-your-own fruit farm. Provides details of apple juice and tree sales, fruit picker jobs and related businesses.
Office Wholesale
Illustrated product descriptions with example prices, special offers, news and a portfolio of recent installations. [Must be viewed at 1024x768 or greater to see contact details.]
Rotalink Limited
Manufacturer and supplier of miniature motors, power transmission and control products. Includes details of design and build capabilities and product range.
The Stokes Partnership
Profile of this law firm and its partners. Includes press releases and contact information.
Sell, hire and contract out weeding machinery for organic horticulture and farming.