english deutsch
Centurion Hotel
Information on accommodation and facilities for leisure and business users at the hotel. Includes details of golf course, bowling green and fitness centre, sample menu from restaurant and location map.
Centurion Travel
Coach company offering services to private hire, schools and nightclubs and other organisations. Coaches with 16 to 61 seats available.
Lime Kiln Farm
Offer bed and breakfast and self catering facilities at Faulkland. Has information and photos of the cottages and facilities, also lists local attractions and prices.
Old Malt House Hotel
Description of facilities, rooms, rates, and contact details.
Ston Easton Park
A Georgian house outside of Bath, built in 1740 offering exquisite interiors, hospitality and cuisine to its guests.
The Old Priory Hotel
Describes the accommodation, restaurant and business meeting facilities at this 800 year old country house hotel.