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Bouquet Florists
Local florist provide flowers for public and corporate use. Site includes details of products, plant care advice and contact information.
Casanova Pizzeria Ristorante
Online menu and a 'where to find us' section.
DART - Domestic Appliance Retail Traders
Sales and service for new and reconditioned fridges, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens. Two branches in Sheffield.
Independent web designer and developer specializing in quality, often quirky, Flash based web design. Personal information, portfolio and contact e-mail included.
T.Travis & Son
Firm of builders, who will undertake tasks such as new house building, extensions, loft conversions and general repairs. Includes pictures of houses built by the company.
Wesley Hall
Methodist Church offers mission statement, services, activities, events, history, newsletter, prayer page, who's who, links and details about the Richmond Project in the Natal region of South Africa.