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Barrow Roofing
Property maintenance company. History of the company, guide to services available, examples of past work and contact details.
Christ Church
With details of clergy, services, events, history, parish profile, photo gallery and contact particulars.
Delhi Junction
Anglo-Indian restaurant situated in a former railway station. Menus, details of special events, photos, prices and contact details.
Dore and Totley United Reformed Church
Up-to-date information on what is happening.
Dore Health & Beauty
Salon offering beauty treatments and massages. Location information and details of treatment ranges available.
Dore Parents Association
Details of fund-raising and social events organised by the Parents Association of Dore Primary School.
Garden Glorious
Suppliers of garden or indoor plants, with details of goods available, plus hints and tips for plant care.
Grove Lawn Tennis Club
Social and leauge tennis events played on four floodlit all weather courts.
Little Mischiefs
Online shop for baby and childrens clothes and gifts.
Open Dore
Community portal for the village of Dore. Local news and information, history of the village, links to local businesses and a photo gallery.