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Aylesbury House Hotel
Located in Hockley Heath. Room details and online booking
Hockley Heath Cricket Club
Results, fixtures, averages, player profiles, social events, history, committee information, youth team, contacts and location.
Jacques Designer Bathrooms
Designer bathroom showroom. Mini-catalogue and contact details.
Lighting Specialists
Suppliers of modern, traditional and contempory lighting. Includes gallery of products.
Northwick Bed And Breakfast
Includes the tariff and details of the facilities, together with some information about the local area.
Nuthurst Grange Hotel
Located in Hockley Heath. Information about private facilities, meetings, weddings, restaurant, bedrooms, and location.
Supplier of tools, garden accessories, gas heaters, and Schneider cuckoo clocks. Includes online store.
New and used Porsche parts.
Weather Information Pages
Observations from a home station in Hockley Heath. Includes weather-related links.