english deutsch
Recreation and Sports
Football, Amesbury Walkers, Amesbury Walkers
Details of the parish council, local history, events, charities, groups, businesses, schools and churches.
Amesbury Infants' School
Information, photographs, and examples of the children's work.
Amesbury Library
Information on library opening hours and services.
Amesbury Town Band
History, contacts, photo gallery and engagements for local brass band.
Avon Security
Local locksmiths. Contains information on services and products.
Catkin Lodge
Prices and photographs for bed and breakfast accommodation close to Stonehenge.
Countess Road Residents Group
Describes local residents' concerns about the siting of Stonehenge Visitors Centre at Countess East. With details of the proposed centre, press cuttings, pictures and contacts.
Custom Accessories Europe
Work undertaken by brand development company including in-house design, model making and custom products.
Phoenix Training Services
Details motorcycle training for all levels. Bikes and equipment provided.
Ratfyn Farm
Bed and Breakfast in a Georgian house on a working farm. Location details, photographs, rates and local information.
St Melor Surgery
Doctors' surgery, details of doctors and opening hours.
Stonehenge Ales
A local brewery producing a range of cask conditioned ales to outlets within a fifty mile radius. Gives an overview of the brewing process and products.
The Chord Company
Supply a range of interconnecting, speaker, digital, and AV cables. Includes product overviews and advice on cabling.
The George Hotel
Photographs and prices.
The Stonehenge School
Profile of co-educational 11-16 comprehensive school. Includes staff directory, curriculum, departments and activities.