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AGC Recruitment Career and Employment Resources
Adjutant General's Corps of the British Army, with activities, pay and training provided to new recruits.
Army Careers
Official British Army careers website including trades available, training involved, case studies and careers office contact details.
Civilian Careers
MOD civilian employment information site with employment opportunities, civil service information and current vacancies.
RAF Careers
Site includes details of the trades available in the RAF, training involved, rates of pay, entry requirements and lifestyle information.
RAF Weapons Systems Operator
New non-commissioned aircrew trade. Information regarding the training, prospects and way of life, and aircraft involved. Includes good links to other official sites.
Royal Navy Jobs
Comprehensive RN careers site detailing trades, opportunities, entry qualifications and criteria to join the Royal Navy.
The Royal Scots
Army regiment information and recruitment site with the regiment's role, current news, how to join and job descriptions.