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BRB [Residuary] Ltd
Looks after the residual responsibilities and liabilities of the former British Railway Board.
Department of Transport - Railways Directorate
Government department charged with overseeing the railway industry. Provides details of projects, legislation, rail safety issues and news.
Heath and Safety Executive - Rail safety
The HSE's Railway Inspectorate oversees health and safety regulation of the railways. Investigation reports and many other documents.
Office of Rail Regulation
The ORR is the economic regulator for the railway industry in Great Britain. Consultation and decision papers, speeches and a public register.
Office of the International Rail Regulator
Brief description of the functions and powers of the OIRR which regulates GB infrastructure access contracts for cross-border rail services.
Office of the PPP Arbiter
Regulates the London Underground PPP infrastructure agreements. Consultation and policy documents.
Rail Passengers Council and Committees
Independent body established by Parliament to protect and represent UK rail users and interests. Site provides information about the council and its regional committees, their work, rail issues and membership.
Strategic Rail Authority
Responsible (until its abolition in 2005) for awarding passenger rail franchises and freight grants and for coordinating the development of railways in Great Britain. Site includes a variety of policy documents.
Victimised Whistleblowers - A Trade Union Perspect
Offers an account of safety campaigning from a workers' representative viewpoint.