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Pregnancy and Childbirth
Contraception and Abortion Related Services, Premature Birth, Aquabirths, Association of Breastfeeding Mothers, Baby Bunting Parenting, Baby Dolly Antenatal Courses, Birth Choice UK, Birth Trauma, Diagnostic Ultrasound, Dorking National Childbirth Trust, Gentle Water Birthing Pools, Home Birth Article
BBC Online - Womens Health
Covers issues such as your body, mind, sexual health, health and beauty, risk factors such as smoking and drinking and a calorie counter.
Cervical Screening and Colposcopy
UK-based site concerned with cervical screening, cervical cancer and colposcopy.
FEmISA - Fibroid Embolisation: Information, Suppor
Organisation providing information to women and doctors on an alternative to hysterectomy. Includes campaign details and patients' stories.
HRT Resource Centre
Information on the menopause, treatments, diet and lifestyle advice. Provided by a pharmaceutical company.
Jo's Trust
Offers information on cervical cancer, chemotherapy, counseling and related issues, bulletin board and relevant links. Also Jo's story and how the trust came to be established.
National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome
Offering information about the condition, details on conferences, and dietary information.
The London Fibroid Clinic
Offers information about the various treatments available.
Vulval Pain Society
Information and helpful advice. Links to other resources.