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Apiculture and Social Insect Laboratory
Within the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, Sheffield University. Information on researchers, research and publications in the field of apiculture, honey bees, social insects and social behaviour. Contact details.
Bee health - DEFRA
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) page on bee health, Varroa, and the development of resistance. Contact details and links.
Foul Brood Index
From Beecraft - description and diagnosis of the diseases, information for beekeepers on how to deal with an outbreak, and legislation.
International Bee Research Association
A not-for-profit organization, based in Cardiff, to increase awareness of the role of bees in agriculture and the environment. Details of staff, publications, events, and membership. Contact details. IBRA promotes the study and conservation of bees which in themselves are indicators of the world's biodiversity.d beekeeping
National Bee Unit
Government site, with information on their research, diagnostic, laboratory analysis, and related bee health services. Bee Health Advisory Panel. Summarises UK and European legislation on bees and beekeeping.
Varroa Resistance To Pyrethroids
Update on Varroa Resistance from the National Bee Unit. Includes information and advice for beekeepers.
Varroosis Index
From Beecraft - description of the parasite and problems caused, strategies for detecting varroa and control (using biotechnical and chemical methods), and information on resistance.