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21st Century
An online magazine that showcases science and technology news. An educational resource for technology and science companies.
BBC News: Science/Nature
Offers news and feature stories plus audio and video programmes and clips.
BBC Radio 4 - Science
Use the Listen Again feature to hear any of the regular series programmes plus older occasional series and documentaries. Includes upcoming programmes, science puzzles, message boards and webchat transcripts.
BBC Science
A resource to many science topics currently in the news and links to sites on topics such as cloning, genetics, and electricity.
Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine
Web version of the printed magazine, designed for hobbyists and constructors.
Guardian Unlimited: Life
Daily-updated UK site focusing on science, environment and medicine. Latest news, opinions, analysis and background from the Guardian and Observer newspapers plus interactive guides and talkboards.
Guardian Unlimited: Online
News and features about the internet and technology. Includes business solutions, science news, e-issues and special reports plus web watch, gadgets, games, blogs and Ask Jack.
New Scientist
Science and technology news from the weekly magazine includes daily updates from around the world. Includes Hot Topics, interviews, book reviews and job listings.
Telegraph: Connected
Includes the latest science, technology and dotcom news plus regular columnists, features, Boot Camp, competitions and computer book reviews.
The Ecologist
Website of The Ecologist magazine. Provides resources, archives, campaign and event information.