english deutsch
Powell, Enoch
Enoch Powell - Diocesan Press Release, Enoch Powell speaks about Europe, From White Noise - Remembering Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood Speech by Enoch Powell
Prime Ministers
Addington, Henry, Asquith, Herbert Henry, Atlee, Clement, Baldwin, Stanley, Balfour, Arthur, Blair, Tony, Bonar Law, Andrew, Callaghan, James, Campbell Bannerman, Sir Henry, Canning, George
History of Parliament
An official research project to produce biographies of all MPs sitting in the House of Commons between 1386 and 1832, as well as a general history of the parliamentary process. The results may be bought on CD.
Members of Parliament: 1750-1850
Biographies of MPs that had an important influence on British history. Figures included range from Prime Ministers such as William Pitt and Lord Liverpool to those less well-known but extremely influential figures such as Joseph Brotherton and Michael Sadler.
Oswald Mosley
1896-1980. British MP and founder of the British Union of Fascists. Site contains political essays, speeches and a history of the?BUF and Union Movement.
Parliamentary Reform
A detailed study of parliamentary reform in Britain between 1750 and 1900.