english deutsch
1960s British Pop Culture
The music, groups, stars, films, tv and events of Britain in the sixties.
A Celebration of a Tonic to the Nation
Resource from the Festival of Britain Society which describes the 1951 exhibition. Includes links to other "worlds fairs" and current millennium events.
Backdate - The 60s and 70s
Glance back in time to the 1960s and 1970s. Includes music, cinema, people and bands.
Britain's Small Wars
Containing information on wars after 1945.
Britannia's International Relations
Great Britain and the World - 1895-1999; an extended chronology.
Nice Nostalgia Archive
Photos and information on cultural greats and not-so-greats from the UK in the 1970s and 1980s.
Paddle Steamer Picture Gallery
Information and pictures on British Excursion Steamers
Paddle Steamer Ryde Website
Documenting the history of the paddle steamer Ryde (Queen) and providing a place for people to share their memories and their support for her future.
Rent Strikes
Research into the history of the tenants movement. It features two local studies of rents strikes at key stages of the formation of the English tenants movement.
Sterling Times
British nostalgia. A patriotic collection of sounds, sights and trivia, mainly from the 20th century.
Nostalgic memories of the 1900s. Personal recollections of childhood, school, workplace and holidays.