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Country Gentlemen's Association
Offers advice and information on rural issues and topics as well as access to organised events and country shows and fairs.
Countryside Alliance
Promotes the interests of rural people including country sports (hunting, shooting, fishing, falconry, ferreting, coursing, stalking), wildlife management, farming and food along with the wider concerns of jobs, rights, communities and social inclusion. It represents these interests in the media, Parliament, schools and throughout the UK.
Campaigning voice for independent and family farms offers news and views, action and support, farmers' voices and contact details.
Rural Regeneration Unit (RRU)
A charitable organisation dedicated to rural community self-help and regeneration projects, as a sister organisation to the Countryside Alliance. Launch brochure, FAQ and contact information.
The Countryside Agency
The statutory body working to conserve and enhance the English countryside and to promote social equity and economic opportunity for the people who live there.