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Association for Environment Conscious Building
Promotes environmentally responsible practices within building. Includes forum and details of their magazine.
BBC - Nature Environment
BBC's introduction to conservation, green guides to help you make environmentally friendly lifestyle choices and careers in the environmental jobs sector.
Bucks Residents Against the INcinerator
Group resisting the development of a large industrial incinerator at Newton Longville/Milton Keynes. News, membership, contacts.
Campaign Against East Midlands Airport Expansion
Campaign group dedicated to fighting the proposals to expand East Midlands Airport. Includes guide to objecting, messages of support and details of the proposals.
Campaign for Dark Skies.
Aim to bring attention to the problem of upward-shining lights which waste energy and blot out the night sky. News, general information on what constitutes good lighting, awards granted, how to join and astronomy news
Centre For Alternative Technology
One of Europe's foremost eco-centres. Includes comprehensive green catalog, with books and products orderable online.
Centre for Environmental Strategy
A multi-disciplinary research centre at Surrey University, UK. Research, publications, other resources.
E-zine encouraging mutual support for independent local sustainability action in the UK.
Clean Vehicles
Information about low emission vehicles, equipment, fuel and the companies that supply them.
Government backed initiative encouraging the fitting of emission reduction equipment to high pollution diesel vehicles, especially haulage. Offers grants of up to 75%.
Common Ground
Supporting local diversity across the UK. Provides details of work linking arts and environmental fields.
Community Recycling Network
Non-profit-making industrial and provident society formed to promote community recycling schemes. Provides advice and event listings, a newsletter, member links and a bulletin board.
Computer Aid
Recycles unwanted computers from Britain for use in schools and community organisations in developing countries. Based in Finsbury Park, North London.
Computers for Charity
A voluntary, non-profitmaking organisation that recycles and resells PCs. Has centres across the UK.
Do a little, change a lot.
Guide to helping protect Scotland's and the World's environment.
Ecovillage Network UK
Publications, networks and skills index. Assists individuals, projects, and organisations in developing environmentally, socially and economically sustainable settlements.
Electric Vehicles UK
Campaigning for improved facilities and cheaper electric cars in Britain. Features news and campaign information.
UK environment, wildlife and conservation news, message board and events diary.
Comprehensive informational site with details on a variety of environmental issues and their status in the UK.
EU Energy.Com
In depth reports on the liberalisation of the energy sector across Europe.
Friends of the Earth
Campaigns on biodiverstiy, climate change, gm food, pollution, transport and waste. Includes details of local pollution sources in your neighbourhood.
Gaia Watch of the UK
Human population growth and international migration. Consequences for the UK.
GAIN - Campaign Against Surrey Incinerators
News, gallery and press releases for Guildford Anti-Incinerator Network (GAIN) campaigning against incinerators in Guildford, Surrey.
Global Commons Institute
An independent organisation campaigning on climate change. Promotes a "Contraction and Convergence" solution. Includes a global warming model(Excel spreadsheet or Java applet) recent papers and book reviews as well as contact information.
Environmental regeneration charity. Partnership with local people, local authorities and business to promote economic and social regeneration by improvements to the local environment.
Industry Council for Electronic Equipment Recyclin
An association of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) suppliers promoting environmentally sound policies within the industry.
Leeds Earth First!
Provides information and resources on Green Anarchist politics.
Lightswitch Programme
Government supported initiative promoting use of energy efficient lighting in the non-domestic sector. News, savings calculator, rebate details and wide range of resources.
Living Streets
A campaign of the Pedestrians' Association. Aiming to make every village, town and city more pedestrian friendly. Manifesto, contacts, and livability survey.
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Action and advisory group promoting the shift to clean low carbon vehicles and fuels.
National Urban Forestry Unit
Charitable organisation which works to raise awareness of the positive contribution that trees make to the quality of life in towns.
Noise Abatement Society
NAS promotes ways to combat antisocial noise. The Society's annual John Connell Awards recognize local iniatives to address noise complaints.
Oxford Greenpeace Campaign Group
Environmental pressure group. Details of meetings and other activities.
Policy Brief - Environment
Environment and Resources Planning initiatives from UK think tanks and public policy institutes.
Energy Saving Trust programme supporting clean fuel vehicles. Includes explanation, buyers guide on alternative fuels and information on grants.
Printer Cartridge Recycling Scheme
Organisation that accepts printer cartridges and old mobile phones for recycling and donates the proceeds to children's charities.
Rethink Rubbish
This site gives information about the growing problem of rubbish in the UK and some quick and easy steps for everyone to help solve the problem.
Rural England Versus Overhead Line Transmission. The organisation presses for a co-ordinated UK energy distribution policy.
Stop Avon Valley Airport
Site allowing readers to register disapproval of the proposed airport. Poll, countdown clock and papers on the issue.
Stop the Mottram Bypass
Campaign site opposed to the A628 Mottram/Tintwistle bypass.
Surfers Against Sewage
Campaign group with a mission to rid the coastline of sewage.
Sustainability for Citizens and Communities
Directory of up-to-date information on local sustainability in the UK (environmental, social and economic aspects) aimed at ordinary people and community groups.
The Soil Association
Campaigning and certification body for organic food and farming. Develops and provides practical and sustainable solutions which combine food production and environmental protection and human health.
Trailblazers: Rights of Way
The National Federation of Bridleway Associations and the South Pennine Pack Horse Trails Trust are organizations that promote equestrian access, protect rights of way and ancient lanes, campaign for access to open country, and maintains a list of open and closed bridleways and Current Issues regarding access in the UK.
UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Developme
Independent charitable foundation focusing on sustainable business, marine environment, information and communication technologies.
UK Incinerators
Email group in the UK concerning The Incineration Campaign. Local action groups can communicate with each on this issue.
Waste Watch
Information, publications and advice on waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
Whitbread Action Earth
A campaign encouraging people to get involved in local environmental projects throughout Great Britain.
Wildlife and Countryside Link
Brings together environmental voluntary organisations, aiming to maximise efficiency and effectiveness through collaboration. Includes position statements and documents in PDF format, links to work areas, and campaign information.
World Wildlife Federation (WWF): UK
Campaigns on a wide range of environmental issues including opposition to new road building.