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1 Europe Pro-Euro Mailing List, BBC News - In Depth: The UK Euro Question, BBC News - Referendum Street, Dear Aunty, Euro Know, Get Ready for the Euro, Guardian Unlimited Politics Special Report - Brita, Keep The Pound, Labour Euro-Safeguards Campaign, Pro Euro, Pro Britain
Paul Craig Roberts: Say goodbye to England, Paul Craig Roberts: The end of sovereignty?
BBC News - In Depth: Inside Europe
Ongoing collection of news and views plus background briefings, country profiles, history and online audio programmes. Includes issues of enlargement and an EU constitution.
Campaign Against Euro Federalism
A trade union-based campaign opposing the EU from the viewpoint of the democratic left.
Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB)
Coalition group which seeks the UK's withdrawal from the EU, and specifically the repeal of the European Communities Act of 1972 under which EU directives take precedence over UK law.
Democracy Movement
A non-party campaign to keep the pound and stop the "European Superstate"; formed from Sir James Goldsmith's Referendum Party and the Euro Information Campaign.
Euro-Links Search Engine
Directory of web sites pro and anti European federalization.
European Movement (Oxfordshire Branch)
Information on the European Movement's Oxfordshire Branch, plus regularly updated articles on Britain's role in the EU and Europe's impact on Britain.
Eurosceptic humour, graphics and icons, and merchandise.
Guardian Unlimited Politics Special Report: Britai
Ongoing coverage focuses on the political issues with the European Union and the UK. Includes news, comment and analysis plus speeches, official texts and audio clips.
Guardian Unlimited Special Report: European Union
Ongoing coverage with news, comment and analysis about the European Union itself and its issues, policies and future. Includes links to official documents, European government and media sites.
Spiked Politics - Issues: The EU
Collection of archived columns about European Union and euro issues.
The European Movement
All-party movement campaigning for the European Union to become more democratic and effective, and for Britain to play a full role within it.
The European Union Committee of the UK House of Lo
Scrutinises and produces reports on European Legislation: background to the Committee, copies of evidence and reports.
The Magna Carta Society
Promotion of the rights and freedoms of the British subjects, assured for all time by the Magna Carta, 'proves' all EU Law illegal in Britain.
Times - EU Constitution
Recent coverage of the debate about the new Europe and EU Constitution. Includes link to the full text of the draft document.
WebRing - Euro-Sceptic
Collection of groups, organizations, people and web sites critical of European federalization.