english deutsch
AnSer House of Marlow UK
A diversity/equal opportunity development centre promoting good management and practice through magazines, books, the annual British Diversity Awards, training and consultancy.
BBC News: Cash boost focus on minorities
Local authorities are to be given £162m to raise the achievement of ethnic minority pupils and traveller children.
BBC News: £430m for ethnic minority education
Schools are to receive extra funds to improve the educational achievement of pupils from ethnic minorities.
Black Information Link
Campaigns for greater equality in Britain.
Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
Based on bimonthly magazine.
Centre for Justice and Liberty
Campaigns for religious bodies in the UK to have the same broadcasting rights as secular ones.
Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations
A site from the Warwick University research institute.
Commission for Racial Equality
Information about racial discrimination, ethnic diversity, race relations and UK law.
Informational site campaigning against resistance to Roma immigrants.
Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism (FAIR)
Organisation working against Islamophobic discrimination and harrassment. Information about their activities, campaigns, and their media monitoring service.
Guardian Unlimited Special Report: Race In Britain
Ongoing coverage including archives of news, analysis, commentary and backgrounders. Links to organisations and government texts and commission reports.
Guardian Unlimited Special Report: Religion in the
Continuing coverage with news, commentary, analysis and links to web resources. Includes issues involving the faiths in Britain, faith schools and religious hatred.
Immigration and race relations
The church of England's view on race relations.
Institute of Race Relations
The award winning site of this London-based organisation. Topics, features and news.
Movement for Justice
Campaigns against racist injustices against Black people and ethnic minorities, particularly at the hands of the police.
National Civil Rights Movement
Campaigns for racial justice and equal human rights for ethnic minorities. Details of current events, membership and campaigns.
One Scotland Many Cultures
Scottish Executive campaign to raise awareness of racist attitudes. Includes a history of Scottish migration and reports on asylum seekers.
reFLAG - Campaign for a new UK flag
Advocates adding black to the Union Jack in order to make it more representative of modern UK society. Details of the campaign including contact information.
Rural Diversity
Articles and links regarding the treatment of ethnic minorities in rural areas of the UK.
Sean Bryson's Anti Political Correctness News
Site aimed against anti-white racism and political correctness which allegedly "keeps us all quiet". Articles and discussions.
Spectator: An axe to the root of our culture
Discusses how the government is forcing libraries to sell, and sometimes pulp, great works of literature in the name of vibrancy and multiculturalism.
Spectator: What Enoch was really saying
Simon Heffer argues that angry demonstrations by British Muslims against the war on terror suggest that the Rivers of Blood speech should have been heeded, and that Powell's chief concern was culture, not race.
Stephen Lawrence Inquiry
Online version of Final Report and Action Plan progress associated with Sir William Macpherson's Inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence on 22 April 1993 to identify the lessons to be learned for the investigation and prosecution of racially motivated crimes. Final report February 1999, action plans ongoing.
The Islamic Society for the Promotion of Religious
Harley Street dentist Dr Hesham El-Essawy presents an address on "Islam and The Secular West: Are They Reconcilable?"
Tolerance: A Strange Reversal
Tolerance once meant accepting people whose beliefs and lifestyles were different. Today it has come to mean something altogether different.