english deutsch
British National Party
Be Afraid of the BNP, Beware BNP bridge builders, BNP attempts to forge ethnic minority links, BNP feud heads for court, BNP Profiting from Hate, British National Party, British Nationalists, Is the BNP turning normal?, Liberal BNP, Meet your friendly local racists ...
Democratic Party
Founded by former Referendum Party supporter Geoff Southall, the party favours British withdrawal from the EU. Also favours strengthening the military, reducing immigration and limiting the number of asylum-seekers.
Talk Veritas
Official discussion forum for Veritas members and party supporters; includes members-only area.
The Freedom Party
Aims for Britain to remain an independent nation state and for the character and culture of the country to be nurtured and sustained. Calls for a renegotiation of the UK's relationship with Europe. Site includes manifesto, articles, information about branches and membership.
The National Democrats
Right-wing, nationalist and populist party. The party opposes membership in the EU and favours halting further immigration. Formerly part of the National Front.
The National Front
White nationalist organisation founded in 1967 in opposition to multi-racialism and immigration. Site includes the White Nationalist Report and information about party policies and activities.
Third Way
Advocates the decentralisation of power through constitutional reform and the equitable distribution of wealth. Anti-European Union and nationalistic. Site includes policies, articles and newsclips. Not to be confused with the "Third Way" of New Labour and Tony Blair.
Profile, manifesto, news and events with articles and membership information.