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Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Britain, The Morning Star, Young Communist League
Socialist Alliance
Socialist Workers Party, Ashfield Socialist Alliance, Brent and Harrow Socialist Alliance, Bristol Socialist Alliance, Colchester Socialist Alliance, Islington Socialist Alliance, Leyton and Wanstead Socialist Alliance, Oxford Socialist Alliance, Telford Socialist Alliance, Welsh Socialist Alliance
Socialist Party
Bristol Socialist Party, Bristol Socialist Party, Campaign Against Domestic Violence: CADV, Coventry Socialist Party, Greenwich Socialist Party, Hackney Socialist Party, International Socialist Resistance, England & , Leicester Socialist Party, Militant 1964 - 1997, No to War - International Socialist Resistance
Alliance for Green Socialism
Formerly the Left Alliance. Based in Leeds and is made up of former supporters of the Labour Party who are disenchanted with Blairism. Supports the Socialist Green Unity Coalition.
Alliance for Workers' Liberty
This group, formerly known as Socialist Organiser is active in the British labour movement and the Labour Party. The group is also moving towards an ideological position of "critical Marxism." Participated in the Socialist Alliance. Now in the Socialist Green Unity Coalition.
Anti Poverty Movement
Calls for a state controlled reformation of society and crusade against degeneracy.
Communist Party of Great Britain
A rump of the old CPGB and smaller than the other groups that split from the original party in the 1970s and 80s. Participated in the Socialist Alliance advocating that it become a political party. Site includes an online edition of the Weekly Worker.
General election 2001 - left results
Constituency results by left wing parties and candidates in the 2001 general election. Includes results for the Socialist Alliance, Scottish Socialist Party, The Socialist Party (running as Socialist Alternative), Socialist Labour, Workers Revolutionary Party and independent leftists. Compiled by the Weekly Worker.
Independent Labour Network
Formed in 1998 by Ken Coates and Hugh Kerr, then MEPs, following their expulsion from the Labour Party. Criticises New Labour and advocates return to socialist principles.
Independent Working Class Association
Promotes the political and economic interests of the working class; the site includes manifesto, news, party structure, election results and the IWCA?s first councillor's diary.
International Socialist Group
British section of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. Site includes works by Ernest Mandel, several pamphlets, the newspaper "Socialist Outlook" and information on the Fourth International. Participates in RESPECT.
Lewisham and Greenwich Respect
The Socialist alternative to New Labour; site has events and contacts.
National Committee for the Marxist-Leninist Party
Stalinist formation, argues for the unity of Marxist-Leninists and the foundation of a single Communist Party in Britain.
New Communist Party of Britiain
An orthodox, anti-Eurocommunist group that split from the Communist Party of Great Britain in the 1970s. Site includes an online version of the newspaper New Worker.
Red Action
News and articles from Red Action's eponymous bi-monthly bulletin. The group is Marxist but anti-Leninist. Has withdrawn its support of the Socialist Alliance.
Respect - the Unity Coalition
An alternative to New Labour's pro-war, pro-privatisation policies, featuring George Galloway MP, with news, policy, campaign materials and diary.
Respect: Responses to British foreign policy
Film of George Galloway, Respect MP, speaking on British anti-war and alternative political party policies.
Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain)
Orients towards youth and emphasises issues such as anti-racism and anti-imperialism. Site includes Larkin Publications.
Revolutionary Democratic Group
Republican, Marxist tendency whose supporters were expelled from the Socialist Workers Party in the 1990s. The RDG is now aligned with the Commuist Party of Great Britain.
Socialist Equality Party
Rival of Workers' Revolutionary Party from which it split in the 1980s. Both claim to be the British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International (itself a result of a split in Trotsky's Fourth International).
Socialist Labour Party
Official website including party news, policies and contact details.
Socialist Party of Great Britain
Party made up of people who have joined together because they want to get rid of the profit system and establish real socialism.
Socialist Party of Great Britain (Reconstituted)
Formed in 1991 after its members were expelled from the Socialist Party of Great Britain. Publishes Socialist Studies. Site includes online literature and meeting information. Criticises the original SPGB for being anarchist oriented and reformist.
Socialist Party of Great Britain (Socialist Standa
Founded in 1904 and affiliated with the World Socialist Movement. Site includes information about party activities and ideology. Marxist but rejects the revolutionary left as well as evolutionary socialism in favour of a belief in spontanaity. Publishes the Socialist Standard.
Socialist Solidarity Network
Made up of socialists from various backgrounds, advocates socialist renewal and regroupment on a non-sectarian basis. Publishes "Socialist Resistance" with the International Socialist Group.
Socialist Unity Network
Group formerly within the Socialist Alliance and Respect arguing for a new socialist party. Part of the Socialist Green Unity Coalition.
Workers Power
British section of the League for a Revolutionary Communist International. Site includes information about Marxist theory, an online version of the Workers Power bulletin.
Workers' Revolutionary Party
General Secretary is Sheila Torrence. Descended from the tendency led by Gerry Healy who was expelled in the 1980s. Rival of Socialist Equality Party both of which claim to be the British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International.