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Centre at St James' Church, London, offering talks and workshops on holistic and alternative spirituality. With events diary and newsletter and team profiles.
Bristol School of Astrology
Offering a four year course in modern astrology. Details of course, with contact information. Based Bristol, UK.
Crystal Mountain
Promoting healing through astrology. Offer ceremonies, counselling and seminars. Includes background information.
Eckankar in the United Kingdom
Spiritual path sometimes called 'The Religion of the Light and Sound of God'. Contains a brief round of regular events throughout England and Scotland, with order form for a free book.
Rule Satannia
Magazine for Satanists in the UK. Information about current issue, subscription, purchase and advertising.
Description, philosophy and justification with information about ritual, history, reading and links.
Spiritual Healing
Information about the practice of spiritual healing by a British author.
Spiritual Healing and Teaching by David Wells
Remote healing, help for healers, about the healer and his mission, free consultation, and health and relaxation products.
Spiritualists' National Union
Information about spiritualism, and the union; membership details, and a directory of approved healers and mediums. Information on courses and events at the Arthur Findlay College.
UK Network for the Dances of Universal Peace
Details of the network and workshops, with articles, chat room and information about how to join.