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Aviation Weather Europe
Aviation weather lookup for Europe, with latest infrared and visibility pictures from satellite.
Europe - Weather Underground
Temperature, visibility and other weather charts for Europe, and links to current national data and forecasts.
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Provides medium-range weather forecast support to European meteorological organizations.
European Weather - USA Today
Current temperature map of Europe, with links to city weather pages.
Forecast Weather - Met Office
Weather forecast for Europe, offering 5 day city forecasts through an interactive map.
Local Weather - Intellicast
Current temperatures for Europe, and links to local data.
Medium Range Forecasts for Europe
Forecasts by the MRF model issued by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, with lots of weather charts by topic, and time period.
Precipitation Maps
Weekly updated precipitation maps for Europe.
The Weather at Your Holiday Destination
An overview of the current weather and forecast of more than 400 destinations in Europe.
Weather Forecast for Europe
Weather map of Western Europe and the North Atlantic ocean showing temperature, windspeed, wind direction, clouds and precipitation.
Weather Forecast for Europe - CNN
Weather forecast for Europe, with regularly updated satellite image.
European weather links, country maps and information.
Over 6000 weather links for Europe, with current weather reports, live webcam pictures and forecasts.