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Communist Party of Iran
News articles and a party magazine, Iranian Outlook.
Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan
Site includes historical background, party documents and press releases.
Foundation for Democracy in Iran
Publishes the Iran Brief, a monthly investigative newsletter.
Green Party of Iran - Hezb-e-sabz Hayeh Iran
Iranian environment political group supporting democracy and human rights for Iran. Site includes Farsi and English news regarding Iran's nature, environment and current affairs.
Iran National Front - Jebhe Melli Iran
Dedicated to freedom,democracy and human rights in Iran. Site includes publications, statements, news, petitions, urgent actions and event calendar.
Iran National Front - Jebhe Melli Iran - Californi
Advocates changes in the current Iranian government and abolishment of the Guardianship of the Cleric. Site includes political message board.
Iranian Futurist Party
Includes framework and platform. Also in Persian/Farsi.
Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas
Statements and publications by a Marxist-Leninist organisation that strives for a socialist Soviet-style state of workers in Iran.
Marze Por-Gohar
The Glorious Frontiers Party was founded in 1998 by a group of nationalist secular writers and journalists. Site features statements and articles.
National Council of Resistance of Iran
A coalition of Iranian exiled opposition groups. Formed to overthrow the current regime and to establish a democratic political system in Iran. Site includes a constitution, biographies of elected members, statements, articles and news archive.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaian (Maj
News articles and history in English, French, Dutch and Farsi.
Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaii Gueri
Party against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Working for democracy in Iran,
Organization of Fedaian (Minority)
Supports a socialist and democratic Iran. Site includes news articles, statements, party platform and history.
Organization of Iranian People's Fedayee Guer
Marxist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the Islamic Republic regime. Member group of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran
Exiled opposition group and member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Their Islamic ideology is based on democracy, popular will, tolerance and moderation.
South Azerbaijan National Liberation Movement
Site includes the movement's charter, history, and some photos.
Tudeh Party of Iran
Tudeh News Bulletin, party statements, documents and history.
Union of People's Fedaian of Iran
Communist organization that publishes the monthly magazine, Iran Today.
Worker Communist Party of Iran - Hezbe Komuniste K
Exiled Iranian marxist party committed to a social revolution of the working class.
Workers Left Unity Iran
An alliance of leftist groups. Publishes monthly news bulletin.