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AboutDinar.com - Iraqi Dinars
Iraqi Dinar Information Portal: News, Information & Opinions about New Iraqi Dinars.
Central Bank of Iraq
Official web site listing Iraqi currencies, including paper and coin denominations.
Investors Iraq
Discussion forum featuring Iraqi Dinar news, rumors and speculation.
Iraq Currency Exchange
The Coalition Provisional Authority offers information and FAQ on the introduction of the new national currency known as the "new Iraqi dinar".
Iraq Stock Exchange Data
Stock quotes, news, and analysis from the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX).
Iraqi Dinar Information
Detailed information about the new Iraqi Dinar, including currency conversion and help on how to detect counterfeit bills.
Iraqi Dinar News and Speculation
RSS feed providing thread titles from the Investors Iraq Forum.
New Iraqi Currency
GlobalSecurity.org provides information and links for background reading on the currency exchange.
New Iraqi Dinar
Pictures of the new money and information on security features.
Truck and Barter: Iraqi Dinar - Discussion & C
Discussion thread about the Iraqi dinar, including speculation and analysis.
US Aid - Iraqi Currency Transition
A detailed history of the currency, and the successful currency exchange.