english deutsch
Damascus Chamber of Industry
Daraa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Information about the chamber and its board. Site also offers information about investing in Darra city and in Syria in general. Site in Arabic.
Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce
Looks after commercial, economic and trade activities, acts for chambers of commerce, holds economic conferences and trade fairs. Includes country information, a Syrian trade directory(in Arabic), investment laws and regulations.
Homs Chamber of Commerce and Industry
International Chamber of Commerce
The chamber aims at encouraging the international trade and liberalization of money and investments. Site contains Chamber profile and activities, members directory and announcements. Site in English and Arabic.
Lattakia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Tartous Chamber of Commerce and Industry
TOKTEN Program - Syria
Information about TOKTEN Program (Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriates Nationals) launched by the United Nations Development program which aims at reverse patterns of brain drain by encouraging expatriate nationals to volunteer their expertise in the service of their homeland for short periods of time.