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Includes an FAQ with many facts about Australia.
Telephone numbers, and postal and email addresses of the Embassy of Belgium in Ankara, Turkey.
Consulate General of Belgium in Istanbul. Contact information only.
Located in Ankara and accredited to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan. With information about Canada as well as about the four countries of accreditation.
Contact details for the Royal Danish Embassy in Ankara, and also information on commercial affairs and visas.
European Commission
Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey, providing links to EU treaties and documents, news releases, fact sheets, as well as information about EU-funded programmes in Turkey.
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Ankara, accredited to Turkey and Azerbaijan, with consular and economic information, as well as links to various government sites.
Embassy of Israel in Ankara, listing agreements and bilateral treaties between Israel and Turkey. In English and Turkish.
With information about the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ankara, the Consul General in Istanbul, and the Honorary Consuls in Izmir, Antalya, and Iskenderun, and about the services provided.
South Africa
Advocating South Africa as a tourism destination, and explaining NEPAD, the New Partnership for Africa's Development.
South Korea
Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Turkey. Includes an essay commenting on the similarities of Korean and Turkish national characters, and speculating on the migration of their common ancestors from the steppe of Central Asia.
Embassy of Sweden in Ankara. Links to facts about studying in Sweden.
Embassy of Switzerland in Ankara and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Istanbul.
Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Turkey, with a message from the ambasador, information about Ukraine, and contact details.
United Kingdom
Offers consular, visa, commercial and news services with a variety of additional information for visitors to Turkey or Britain.
United States
Information about the Istanbul consular section, the policy of United States, products and services as well as education in USA.
United States
U.S. embassy in Ankara, providing information on U.S.-Turkish matters, and links to the consulates in Adana and Istanbul.
United States
Has a welcome message from the Adana consul, and information about southern Turkey's largest 400 firms.