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BBonline: For Sale
Property descriptions, pictures and contact information for bed and breakfasts for sale in the US and Canada.
Database of commercial properties for sale and for lease in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Includes agent search, market map, links to news sources. Affiliated with CCIM.
Features listings of property in the US and Canada.
Helfand Enterprises
Listing of inns, hotels, motels, cottages or bed and breakfasts for sale.
Offers lists of hotels for sale across North America.
Directory of office, retail, and industrial space for lease in major cities of the US and Canada.
Precise Property Management
Diversified owner/developer provides office, industrial, and retail space. Features listings and acquisition criteria. Offices in Jupiter, Florida and Montreal, Quebec.
Property Line
Property listings and brochures for commercial real estate in North America. Includes online search for both sale and lease properties.
Resorts International NA
Campgrounds and RV parks for sale, listed by price.