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Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
The ministry responsible for developing policies and strategies respecting Aboriginal and northern issues and for implementing specific Aboriginal and northern initiatives.
Alberta Advanced Education
Responsible for post-secondary education, apprenticeship and industry training, and community based adult learning. Includes direction on program and career options and financial assistance.
Alberta Children's Services
Offers services and programs for children and families; child protection, adoption services, day care programs, family court and mediation and other early intervention programs.
Alberta Community Development
Assists communities in achieving a high quality of life by supporting several agencies and foundations and through the following program areas: Community and Citizenship Services, Cultural Facilities and Historical Resources, Parks and Protected Areas, Francophone Secretariat, Alberta 2005 Centennial Program.
Alberta Economic Development
Works with partners to provide quality information and competitive intelligence, diversify industry products and services, expand export and trade, attract investment and promote tourism.
Alberta Economic Development Authority
Informs visitors and citizens of the agency, its mandate, and provincial and international initiatives to ensure the provincial economy's continued expansion.
Alberta Education
Responsible for early childhood education and kindergarten through grade 12. Includes resources for students, parents and teachers.
Alberta Energy
Manages the development and conservation of oil, natural gas and mineral resources within a framework of sustainable development, maximizing investment and benefits for Albertans.
Alberta Environment
Manages the use of Alberta's diverse landscapes to sustain a healthy environment, a prosperous economy and strong communities, by protecting the province's air, land, and water, including addressing climate change and waste management.
Alberta Finance
Responsible for all the financial operations of the Alberta Government. Contains information on the provincial budget, debt and investments; Heritage Fund; taxes/rebates; financial institutions; insurance; pensions; Alberta Savings Certificates; annual reports and business plans.
Alberta Health and Wellness
Gateway to provincial health matters including health initiatives, legislation, information for health professionals, regional health authorities, and Alberta's Health Care Insurance Plan.
Alberta Justice
Administration of justice in Alberta - including information on victim's services, legal services for vulnerable persons, corrections, prosecutions, policing and the courts.
Alberta Municipal Affairs - Assessment Services
Provides advice to government and assessment stakeholders on assessment and property tax policy and establishing assessment standards.
Alberta Solicitor General
Information on justice and law enforcement in Alberta.
Northern Alberta Development Council
Committed to economic, industrial and educational development in the North.
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Alberta Chief Medical Examiner - information about sudden deaths, settling of estates, fatality inquiries, events and statistics.
Peace Country Development Corporation
Promotes regional economic development opportunities through business development programs, services and education to youth, persons with disabilities and the unemployed.
Ropin' The Web Portal
The official site of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD). The ministry enables the growth of a globally competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry through essential policy, legislation, information and services.