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Alberta Birds of Prey Centre
Canada's largest conservation centre for hawks, falcons, eagles and owls. Visitors welcome May 1st to September 30th.
Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Resources for wildlife biologists including research articles, employment opportunities, wildlife images, newsletters, events, and links.
Alberta Environmental Network
Non-profit, non-governmental network of environmental groups that focus on a wide range of environmental issues.
Alberta Geological Survey
Providing geoscience information. Includes core activities and programs, publications, cartographic tools, information about the Mineral Core Research facility, staff directory, links and contact information.
Alberta Oil and Gas Reserves Database
Searchable database of Alberta's oil and gas reserves. Export results directly into Excel.
Alberta Science Literacy Association
Nonprofit association whose mission is to promote science and technology literacy as a vital part of Alberta's social, political and economic development. Lists board of directors and office locations.
Alberta's Special Places
Promotes the preservation and reclamation of Alberta ecology. Gives information about at-risk species and Alberta's six regions, each with a distinct ecology.
Beaverhill Lake Shorebird Reserve
A monitoring station of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. Lists contacts, land description, biology, management and research.
Beneath the Surface
Features watershed study project of students in the Applied Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership degree program at Mount Royal College. Includes profiles of participants, expedition details, proposed activities, photos and contact information.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
Helps protect Canada's threatened wild areas and encourages nature-first and environmentally friendly, parks management.
Clean Air Strategic Alliance
Objectives are to bring the government, industry and non-government sectors together to solve air quality issues. Provides news releases, archived documents and related links.
Environmental Law Centre
Charitable organization offering objective information about environmental and natural resources law for Alberta.
Forest Health
An Alberta Government initiative that manages provincial forests through detection, survey and monitoring and assessment of risk. Includes recent news updates, survey data and publications.
Foundation for North American Wild Sheep - Alberta
Dedicated to promote and enhance increasing populations of indigenous wild sheep, to safeguard against their decline or extinction, and to fund programs for professional management of these populations. Includes membership information, chapter affiliates and events.
Weaselhead Glenmore Park Preservation Society
Provides news and information about a proposed highway to be constructed through an ecologically sensitive area near Calgary.