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Best Western Manoir Adelaide
Accommodations and reservation information. near the waterfront with a view of the Gaspe Coast and the Apalachian Mountain Range.
Bon-Ami Festival
A yearly festival and annual summer celebration. Schedule of events and photo gallery.
Connect Dalhousie - Community Access Centre
The centre is located at Dalhousie Regional High School. It offers computers, training and internet access to the public. Lists hours, rules, fees and services.
Dalhousie Centennial Library
Catalogue, online resources, address and contact information.
Dalhousie Regional High School
Information from the Guidance Department at the high school. Discusses testing, careers, scholarships, university and college information and gives an e-mail address.
Dalhousie, New Brunswick
Webpage containing information about Dalhousie.
The official directory of the town with description, community profile, photo gallery and information centre. Lists tourism, business and industry.
Environment Canada Weather: Dalhousie
Current conditions and forecast.
A chemical manufacturing facility producing chlorine and caustic soda . Business profile, health and safety, products, financial affairs and contact information.