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Anne's Genealogy Interests
The Pattens and Forseys of Grand Bank, Nfld; The Coffins of Haystack, Nfld
Anstey Project
Family History of Garnish, Nfld Ansteys and others.
Greene Family Tree
Contains a .pdf file related to the Greene family from Placentia and Point Verde Newfoundland, from a fellow currently living in Florida.
Hanhams Family Tree
Searching for information related to the surname Hanhams.
Newfoundland Genealogy
A message board dedicated to people researching genealogical connections to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
A unique project to document headstones and monuments in Newfoundland. Downloadable database and photo CD ordering options available.
The Chafe Family Website
Chafe family history to Newfoundland - 1685 Cousineau family history back to 1614
Torbay Newfoundland - A Genealogy Forum
A Genealogy Forum - Discover your history and your roots.