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Forest Safety Society
The society works to reduce forestry-related accidents and the associated costs to workers and employers. Presents goals, objectives, program schedule, contact information and an e-mail request for information form.
Green Wonder Gardening Inc.
Provides hydroponic, greenhouse and outdoor growing systems, equipment and supplies, for the commercial or hobby grower.
Horticulture Nova Scotia
A not for profit organization representing the vegetable, strawberry, raspberry and bramble growers of Nova Scotia. Offers organization background, consumer information, conferences, links and contact details.
Integrated Pest Management
Identifies, monitors and assesses forest insect populations and forest disease conditions. Pdf-format circulars available on pests.
MacLeod's Farm Machinery Ltd.
A John Deere dealership offering new and used equipment and related services. Lists hours, general description, contacts, products, services, and contact details for Truro and New Glasgow locations.
Nova Agri Associates Ltd.
The packaging and marketing agent for Dykeview Farms and other Annapolis Valley farms, shipping soft fruits and berries. Lists products, services, business overview, research and development and location.
Nova Scotia Compost
A compost information site, offering tips on how to make it, where to find it and how to use it.
Nova Scotia Egg Producers
Provides the promotion, control and regulation of eggs and pullets in the province. Recipes, contact information and conferences.
Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists
The institute monitors professionals working in the province's agri-food industry. Defines agrology and lists coming events, the council, membership and newsletters.
Nova Scotia Soils Institute
Lists the objectives, terms of reference, annual reports, research, education projects, and tours. Reports of workshops are large, but abstracted with clickable links.