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CanadianRN Job Mart, Inuit Employment Plan, Nunatsiaq News: Jobs, Nunatsiaq News: Tenders
Law Society of Nunavut
Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce
Business association which promotes Nunuvat businesses throughout Nunavut and the rest of Canada. Includes membership details and contact information.
Canada-Nunavut Business Service Centre
Programs, services, and business inventory.
Nunanet Worldwide Communications
Offers Internet, telecommunications, networking, and general computer services. Online tech support, service description, newsletter, and business listing.
Nunasi Corporation
A development corporation wholly-owned by the Inuit of Nunavut. Location description, operations information, news, mission statement, members, and news.
Nunavut Economic Development Association
Organization offering training and education to economic developers. Service descriptions, events, organization profile, and newsletter.
Qulliq Energy Corporation
Crown corporation providing electricity (through Nunavut Power) and petroleum products (Qulliq Fuel) across the territory.