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Canadian Cancer Society Ontario Division
Community-based organization of volunteers with the mission of eradicating cancer and enhancing the quality of life of people living with cancer. Includes details of services, research, fund raising, volunteer opportunities and risk reduction tips.
Cancer Care Ontario
Information for patients, health professionals and public on cancer prevention, screening, treatment (radiation, chemotherapy, surgery), supportive care, research, education, and standards and guidelines.
Cancer Institute of Canada, Clinical Trials Group
Carries out clinical trials in cancer therapy and supportive care across Canada and internationally. Includes publications, news, results an information about current trials.
Early Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Ontario
EPCDO advocates for covering PSA screening tests under OHIP and increased awareness of the value of early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Epilepsy Ontario
Comprised of local chapters, associates and contacts throughout the province. Site includes descriptions of medications, first aid tips, list of events, newsletters, and location and contact details.
Fibromyalgia Support - Ottawa West
Fibromyalgia and local support group information including FAQs, list of speakers and links to articles.
MPSHU West Nile Virus Information
Information to keep the public up to date about West Nile Virus, from the Muskoka-Parry Sound Health Unit. Describes the virus, its symptoms, how to avoid it and FAQs.
Northern Diabetes Health Network
Delivers access to diabetes services and education programs in communities across Northern Ontario. Includes information about diabetes, member programs, newsletters and locations.
Ontario Lung Association
Committed to improving respiratory health; provides information on lung health, fund raising initiatives, medical research, and its community health programs.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Public information site about SARS from the Ontario Ministry of Health, with information about who to call and what to do if symptoms appear.