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Provides electronic advocacy tools and strategies for Canadian non-profit organizations.
Canada Family Action Coalition (CFAC)
A citizens action organization that provides strategies, networking, training and tools to enable ordinary Canadians to influence their government to restore Judeo-Christian moral principles.
Canadian Association of Food Banks
Coordinates donations of food and transportation to ensure food is distributed quickly and efficiently to member food banks. Also provide liaison between the food banks and industry and government, and acts as the national voice of food banks in Canada.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environ
Committed to the protection and promotion of human health by addressing issues of local and global environmental degradation.
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
Non-profit, registered charitable organization which aids survivors to overcome the lasting effects of torture and war.
Canadian Crossroads International/Carrefour canadi
Non-profit organization dedicated to building a constituency of global citizens committed to voluntarism, international development and social action.
Canadian Federal Inmates and their Families
The correctional system in Canada through the eyes of Canadian prisoners and their families.
Canadian Network on Cuba
An umbrella network of Canada-Cuba friendship and solidarity groups. Provides information about Cuba's economic, health and political issues, photos and travel tips.
COMPA Canada
Convergence of Movements of the Peoples of the Americas, a network of indigenous, peasant, and grassroots organizations in the Americas working for peace and human rights.
Free the Cuban Five - Toronto
Protests the detention of five political prisoners from Cuba by the USA, and includes background information and current actions.
Lists user-submitted prices for gasoline, diesel, and propane at numerous locations in Canada the USA and elsewhere.
Hack Canada
The hub of the Canadian hacktivism sub-culture.
The Polaris Institute
Engaged in retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization. Features articles and news about ongoing issues and projects.
Raise awareness about the WTO and its impact on ives. Organizes anti-WTO events across Canada.