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End Horse Slaughter Canada
Lobbying the federal government of Canada to abolish horse slaughter and the sale of horse meat for human consumption. Includes a petition and links to related sites.
Human-Animal Bond Association of Canada
Promoting the enrichment of human lives through a caring partnership with animals.
Intensive Livestock Operations
Canadian Cattlemen's Association describes how beef cattle and cows are fed and finished in feedlots, also called factory farms or confined feeding operations.
Need Feed
Not-for-profit communications exchange area, for horse owners, livestock farmers and ranchers, affected by the current feed shortage.
No Puppy Mills Canada
Information focused on educating the public about puppy mills in Canada and what it means to buy a puppy from a pet store.
The World Society for the Protection of Animals -
Describes the aims, ideals, projects, and recruitment efforts of the Canadian arm of an international organization promoting animal welfare and global conservation.
VITAL-Canadians For the Advancement of Health Rese
Promotes human-based strategies to find medical solutions and alternatives to animal testing. Lists news and contact information.