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British Columbia Folklore Society
Dedicated to the collection and preservation of the traditional and contemporary folk culture, folklife, ad folklore of the people of British Columbia, Canada.
Canadian Oral History Association
Information about the association and its objectives.
Culture & Tradition - The Canadian Graduate St
This site features the Canadian graduate student journal of folklore and ethnology, culture and tradition, and its newsletter. Articles, subission and subscription information.
Directory of Folklife Resources: Canada
A list of resources available in Canada.
Folk Dancing in Canada
Links to sites across the country.
Folklore Studies Association of Canada
educational non-profit Association founded in June 1976 for the purpose of increasing education and research in the field of folklore studies in all its aspects.
Newfoundland and Labrador Folklore
Songs, stories, placenames and jokes from Newfoundland.
Yaffles & Yaffles
Baccalieu Trail fairy stories from Newfoundland.