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Canada Kicks Ass
A spoof portal offering news, photos and reviews, with a wickedly Canadian slant. Shows the world why Canada is the best place on earth.
Canadian Beauts
A collection of Canadian comedy, facts, a scenic slide show tour,and a section devoted to beer.
Captain Justice Productions
CJP is a site that specializes in dark humour and black comedy. It is irreverent, antisocial, and 100% Canadian.
Chilly Beach
The town of Chilly Beach is a mythical Canadian town. Watch the town residents as they go about their daily lives. PG13, Shockwave and RealMedia enhanced.
Canadian-focused humour with cartoons, columns, interviews, and related links.
The lighter side of the legal profession, without the lawyer jokes. Offers online subscriptions to Legal Humour News.
Say Uncle Productions
Satirical music based on current political and sporting events. Provides MP3's and lyrics.
Screaming Midget
Features articles and commentary on a wide array of Canadian social, political, and pop culture topics.
The Association of Canadian Rednecks
A collection of jokes, games, and redneck fun, brought to you by The Church of the Holy Redneck.
The Chinese Gentlemen's Social Club
Fosters harmony and understanding through benevolent domination.
The Hammer - Canada's Favourite Tool
A Satirical News site with a Canadian edge combining politics, sports and entertainment.
The Hipposaurus Rex and His Views on the World
A personal site which includes a blog, centered around an alter ego named Hipposaurus Rex, who responds to questions from readers and other things.
The Refugee Connection Homepage
Featuring Kasim, Rajiv and Ali, and heard on CFNY Edge102 radio in Toronto. Includes a refugee to English dictionary and audio clips.
The Toque
Canadian source for humour and satire, with headlines, weekly news, and archived stories.
The Untrue North
A Canadian satire site featuring fake news stories and opinions about everything Canadian.
WWWF Grudge Match: U.S.A. vs. Canada
Scenario of a Canadian invasion of the USA using trained beavers and Labatt's Blue to stupify captured citizens.