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Proud to be Canadian
"I Am Canadian" Online Webring, All Canadian History, Allies Page, Canada eh?, Canada Rocks the World, Canada4Life.Ca, Canadian Flag Clip Art Gallery, Canadian Red Head, Cool Canuck Award, Cool to Be Canadian
Alex diNorcia's Stuff
Features links to past projects, personal pictures, and work-related material.
Mississauga man puts forward his opinion on a wide range of subjects, including social issues in Guyana, and farming.
Amigration across the nation
Provides reports of the experiences of a former Scot and current Canadian resident.
Andrew Kavchak Honours Igor Gouzenko
Discusses the 'Gouzenko Affair' of 1945-6 and the author's work to establish historic markers to honour the Gouzenkos and their flight to freedom.
Artemis: Justin Tung
Artemis is a free-spirited, independent, and serves as a resource about the internet and contains information useful for academic and research purporses. Last but not least, this is also Justin's home on the web.
Bashir, Shahid
An electrical enginer who is from Pakistan, who shares his life and interests.
Canada Watch
Blogging Canadian current events and issues. The world needs more Canada.
Clark, Patrick - Internet and government resource
Includes an artwork gallery and links to government resources and information.
Coello, Chris
Is a place to view information about Chris, his family, work, business, trips and webcam in Kelowna BC.
Critchley, Tony
Features geneaological information, pictures, poetry and other hobbies.
Dave Jarvis' Homepage
A man's trip from Ontario to British Columbia. As well as talents and pass-times
Dave's Wave
Personal home page and weblog of David Turner, of Vancouver.
Dominion of Canada
Return Canada to the Commonwealth and to the British Empire. Humorous content with many useful links.
Dreamwevr family
Picture of the Northern Lights, free graphics. Also information on the city they live in, Thunder Bay.
Dressel, Marcus
A Vancouverite partaking in soccer and trying to teach. With a history on his family and life.
Escanlar, Vince
A University student who includes essays from his humanities studies along with humour, and quirky happenings in provincial politics.
Facts On Canada
Personal home page with information about Canada and its provinces.
Gil Shalev's Clan
Includes family tree, photos and opinions.
Read-up on this Vancouver born Sega hockey tournament, and road trip across the country.
Harbord, Dan
Dan's world from Vancouver, Canada. Many pictures, from trips to sports.
Hugin and Munin
Mutterings of two eccentric ravens, speckled with the occasional, rant, vent and travel story.
InsaneRay's Insane Rants
Insights on the absurd, information on the useless. Features a blog and photos of the owner's travels.
Jan Radtke's
Lists interests and hobbies, with information about aviation history and the industry and a list of aerospace-related links.
Studying Physics at the University of Toronto, speaking of his daily life.
Jess Melle
Pictures of the author and his friends, as well as reports about concerts and other events.
Jordan, Marcella - Federal Court Orders Worthless
A case documenting the owner's observation that Federal Court Orders are ignored by Justice Ministers in Canada, and of a lawyer's abuse of his client's assets.
Jordan, Patrick
Includes writings, photography of a Torontonian
Julu's World
See the collection and description of aquariums, pet photos, MP3 collection, and section on Internet etiquette.
Karmokar, Ashok
A Ph. D. Student in Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Victoria.
Khurram's Cyber World
Information about engineering, networking, web design, literature, music, and Islam. Includes his resume, discussion forum and pictures of his graduating class, the NEDians.
Kilgour, Anita
Learn about spiritual being and friendship and love from this self-professed lunafile. Includes rules for life, short stories and book reviews.
Kolya's Electronic Bivouac
Interests of Kolya Ramirez-Hughes, including music and song writing, electronics, microcontroller application development 8051, 68HC11, PIC16x, with news and photos.
MacNeil, Bruce
Chronicles Canada and author's family in Cape Breton. Many of the pieces are historical with photos dating from the 1950's.
Major, Tom
dedicated to his countrymen. Offering a Canadian's perspective on world politics, philosophy, the internet and other subjects.
McKnights, Frank
Information on the family history of the McKnights' and interests of Frank.
Paterson, Scott
Catch a glimpse of Scott's life with his web cam, or explore a collection of rules to assorted card games. Also includes a personal biography.
Perri in Canada
The Perri family in Montreal. Science fair experiments and innovations.
Phillips, Gina
View a collection of photos featuring Gina's family, pets and friends.
Quin, Lesley C.
Information on sailing in Canada's great northwest; searching for the histories of the Quin and Hughes families around the world.
Richard and Cathern
The page tells the story of the couple's 40 year relationship. It also includes links to other Web pages and sites related to their hobbies and interests.
Right On
Right wing commentary on news of the day from Toronto, Canada.
Roy and Rosa's Place
Personal website of Roy Colmer, with some pictures and home video clips of family and friends, links to midi and music and a page dedicated to jokes.
Russ's Rants and Raves
A blog for the owner's random thoughts and musings about international issues and events, politics, information technology, creative writing, genealogy and sports.
Personal web log and photo galleries from a resident of Atlantic Canada.
Sexsmith, Howard
Information for the native Gitxsan people and northwest British Columbia people.
A Canadian woman collecting her odd interests and opinions in one place.
Freelance writer and ASCII artist. Weblog, writing exercises and ASCII art.
Information about Canadian immigration, opportunities, India, Toronto and peace.
Tammy's Place
Includes family photos, recipes, information on Harmon Air Force Base, Newfoundland genealogy and shopping.
Tania's Time Spent on the Web
Information and photos about adoption, animal rights, books, mystery, Canadian authors, cats, Canada and free Canadian graphics
Triffo, Liz
Learn about her interest, hobbies, and family. Content also available in Spanish.
True Life - History of a Canadian Family
E.John Love is a Canadian web designer and amateur writer expressing his memories, and family history on the web since 1998.
White Noise
The personal site of Canadian humourist and writer.
William (Diesel Gypsy) Weatherstone
A Canadian trucker's 50 years, and millions of miles over the road along with photographs and stories.
Wong, Gerald
A collection of interests that covers , classical music and opera, photography, travel, and community services.