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Community of Faro
Profile of this northern community. Includes information on the people, First Nations, services, cost of living, and activities.
Environment Canada Weather: Faro
Current conditions and five day forecast. Includes graphical or text summary.
Faro Real Estate
Promotes real estate, retirement and business opportunities for this northern community. Includes unit examples, photos, community profile and links.
Flying Coach Consulting
Contact page for company that provides IT project management, consulting, and training.
Nature Friends Outdoor Adventures
Offering a bed and breakfast, packaged and guided tours, equipment rental, and a wilderness cabin rental. Contains descriptions of rooms, rates, details of services provided, information about local attractions, booking, and a direction map to Faro, Central Yukon. [English, French, and German]
The Town of Faro
Provides information about the community, region, tourism and other attractions, including a local business directory and region picture gallery.
The Valley Bed and Breakfast
Five bedroom bed and breakfast. Contains information and links about the town and a few photos.
Weather from CNN.com
Current conditions and the five day weather forecast. Uses graphical summary.