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North East Greenland Photo Album
Cambridge Greenland Glaciology Expedition 2002
Information about patrons, schedule, backing and membership of a summer 2002 expedition to Eastern Louise Boyds Land in Northeast Greenland to study the zone of convergence of two glaciers and complete several first ascents.
CNN article
A CNN byline discusses Greenland's ice sheet, which is reported to be thinning rapidly.
Danish Center for Remote Sensing (DCRS)
Danish Dept. of Electromagnetic Systems weather and ice information and geodesic data collection in Greenland.
Danish Polar Center
Provides services and logistic support to research projects in Greenland and publishes information on polar research.
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Geoscientific studies, research, consultancy and geological mapping in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 176
Downloadable PDF-file article, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) concerning metasedimentary rocks, intrusions and deformation history in the south-east part of the c. 1800 Ma Ketilidian orogen, South Greenland.
GISP2 - Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2
Information about ice core research and drilling which discovered 3053.44 meters of ice at the Greenland site, the deepest ice core in the world.
Greenland Chain
Danish Meteorological Institute, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division list of magnetometers operated by DMI and SPRL in Greenland.
Greenland Climate Network
Links to current, 6 day, temperature, windspeed, wind direction and barometric pressure graphs plotted from data at 15 local observation stations.
Greenland Hydrocarbon Exploration Information Serv
A free newsletter containing licensing, exploration and other related information of interest to the oil and gas industry.
Greenland International Consulting Inc.
Offers management and monitoring of water resources, related computer software and research and development. Expert in municipal project design and management.
Greenland, Iceberg Paradise
Detailed information about Greenland's icebergs, geography and recreation activities. Includes numerous photographs, diagrams and scientific data about ice cores, weather and related topics.
KISS: Kangerlussuaq International Science Support
Information and description of facilities, its location and accessibility for scientists and researchers to Greenland's ice cap and environment.
Polar Ice Concentrations
Detailed illustration based on satellite photos of Arctic ice fields affecting Northern marine passages, including the seas around Greenland.
The Greenland Summit Ice Cores
A permanent paleoclimate record on CD ROM for the Northern Hemisphere from the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2).
The Peregrine Fund - Thule Greenland Project
Report of the pilot studies on falcons, gyrfalcons and other birds in Thule; also provides links to similar sites and other Greenland resources.
Time - Greenland
Local time for three Greenland communities; also shows the precise geographic locations, local time in relation to Universal Time (GMT) and Daylight Savings Time information.