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Boquillas, Ciudad Acu+¦a, Monclova, Nueva Rosita Sabinas, Piedras Negras, Saltillo, San Pedro de las Colonias, Torreon, Zaragoza
Coahuila and Texas, 1821-1836
Historical index for the early political development of the region, including DeWitt Colony under Coahuila y Tejas, from Liberal Federalism to Centralist Dictatorship, 1824 Constitution and Colonization Laws.
Cuatro Cienegas de Carranza
Information on this unique desert aquatic ecosystem, including organisms, habitat, conservation and tourism.
State of Coahuila
Official state site, with information about tourism, investment and government. [English/Spanish]
Todd Jagger Photo Gallery
Photos of Coahuila scenes, with some informative text.