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Chichen Itza
A gallery of expandable thumbnail photographs from Villanova University.
Chichen Itza, A Photo Gallery
Captioned images of the famous archaeological site, includes the Castillo, Caracol, Temple of the Columns and ballcourt.
An illustrated description, with references, of this archaeological site rated among the most important of the Maya culture from the Minnesota State University Emuseum.
Chirped Echo from the Mayan Pyramid of Kukulkan at
David Lubman of the Acoustical Society of America argues that the echo sounds like the primary call of the Mayan sacred bird, the Quetzal.
Cyber Ranch: Chichen Itza
Ron Spon's photographs of this large post-classic Mayan city with Toltec influence, accompanied by text taken from the placards there.
Tour of Chichén Itzá
An illustrated guide from Mysterious Places to this spectacular Mayan legacy: Kukulcán pyramid, Temple of the Warriors, Observatory, Nunnery, Ball Court and Cenote.
Welcome to Chichén-Itzá
L.C. Swanson's detailed, illustrated description of the ancient city that was the power centre of Yucatán between 800 and 1200 A.D., with references.