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Candidates and Campaigns
Governor, US President, US Senate, Alaska Candidates and Politics, Alaska Division of Elections, Gordon Hartlieb - Alaska State House, Leman, Loren for Lieutenant Governor, Sharon Cissna for Alaska State House, Troy Maulden For Assembly
Interest Groups
Alaska Conservation Alliance/Voice, Arctic Power
Alaskan Independence Party, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Republican
Alaska Wilderness League
Washington, DC-based environmental group devoted full-time to Alaskan issues. AWL supports legislative and administrative initiatives to protect Alaska's public lands and waters.
Institute of Social and Economic Research
University of Alaska Anchorage center devoted to studying economic and social conditions in Alaska
Politics1: Directory of Alaska State & Congres
Links to Alaska candidates, elections, political parties, and daily news media.
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Republican US senator from Alaska
Senator Ted Stevens
Republican US Senator from Alaska