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Artists and Galleries
Ink People Center for the Arts, Reese Bullen Gallery, The Pixel Palace Art Gallery
Motion Pictures
Films Made in Humboldt County
Peter E. Palmquist - Biography
Art of Southern Humboldt
Offered for sale are original arts and crafts by Sherry Kay Kinser and other artists of Southern Humboldt County.
Austin Alley and the Rustlers
Country Metal. Photos, appearances schedule, and contact details.
Force of Nature
Rock band from Eureka, California. News, concert schedule photos, music clips, and contact details.
Humboldt Music
Searchable directory of artists and music resources. Includes a calendar of events, music downloads and a message board.
Murals of Humboldt County
Murals of Humboldt County, California
The Art of Living
A consortium of woodworkers and craftspeople geographically based in Humboldt County.