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Gateway Cities Council of Governments
Cooperative and adovacy association of city governments of southeastern Los Angeles County. Map, current sudies and projects, and links to member cities provided.
Gateway Cities Partnership, Inc.
Community development corporation which invests in projects such as workforce development, business assistance, and sustainability planning. Services, publications, and related links provided.
Harbor Economic Alliance
Coalition which promotes volunteerism, business and trade, and local tourism. Site provides PDF guides to neighborhood services, local demographics, links to neighborhood councils, and related links.
Small Business Development Center, Southeast Los A
A non-profit agency providing resources, knowledge and technical assistance to local businesses and entrepreneurs. List of services, workshop schedule, and consultant profiles available.
Southeast Los Angeles County Workforce Investment
A not-for-profit public benefit corporation providing job search, productivity training for businesses and career guidance for youth. Includes calendar and description of trainin, day care, and other services.