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Animal Welfare
Benevolent Animal Rescue Committee
A Tribute to San Bernardino Sheriffs Department -
Discussion board for issues involving corruption in San Bernardino County.
Child Advocates of San Bernardino County
A non-profit group dedicated to providing advocacy services to abused, neglected, and at-risk children.
Citizens Against Rezoning in San Bernardino County
A group dedicated to sustaining rural living in the west Cajon Valley, by combating urban sprawl and the intrusion of leapfrog development and by supporting local community control. Discussion forum, documents, online petition, and the latest news on their efforts.
Deep Creek Hot Springs Forum
Discussion of issues related to Deep Creek Hot Springs in the San Bernardino Mountains near Apple Valley.
Genealogical Society of the Morongo Basin
Contains a surname list, discussions and events.
Help Ryan Fight Police Abuse
One woman's account of the arrest and alleged abuse of her son by the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department.
Military Officers Association of America - Mojave
Overview, meeting location, news, and contact details.
Military Officers Association of America - Palm Sp
General information, and contact details.
Mojave Desert History
A collection of articles on history of the early 20th century of the high desert areas of the county by Richard D. Thompson.
San Bernardino County Bar Association
Provides attorney information and referral services, legal research, calendar of bar events, member services, and public services.
San Bernardino County Museum
A regional museum with exhibits and collections in cultural and natural history for San Bernardino County.
San Bernardino County SpeakEasy
A bulletin board for concerns about San Bernardino County officials.
San Bernardino County Speakeasy
News stories and a messageboard to discuss ssues of government, court and law enforcement corruption in San Bernardino County, California.
San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society
The local chapter of the National Audubon Society.