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Alpha Resource Center
Non-profit organization providing services and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter (BUNS)
Cares for stray and abandoned rabbits at the Santa Barbara County (CA) animal shelter. Site includes descriptions and photos of available bunnies, care tips, information about upcoming events, and newsletter.
Cornerstone House of Santa Barbara
Provides 24-hour long-term residential care for severely developmentally disabled children and young adults. Cornerstone also operates the Happy Adventure Summer Camp for severely developmentally and physically disabled youth.
Personal server hosting pictures of the Santa Barbara area and local events, message board, and individual users' sites.
Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County
Offers 20 programs to strengthen individuals, and in turn, the community. Big Brothers Big Sisters, HelpLine 24 hour HotLine, School Based Counseling, Family Advocates, Senior Programs, Care Line, and Suicide Prevention.
Santa Barbara Computers for Families
Providing computers, Internet access and training for Santa Barbara County students whose families cannot afford to purchase them.
Santa Barbara County Democratic Central Committee
Elected body that organizes the Democratic Party in the county. Calendar of events, election information, and links to related clubs and organizations.
Santa Barbara Foundation
Community foundation established in 1928 to enrich the lives of the people of Santa Barbara County through philanthropy.
Systems and Software Consortium
The Systems & Software Consortium of Santa Barbara, SySci, is a non-profit organization providing technological resources for business. Welcome to our website.
United Way of the Central Coast
Philanthropic organization serving the northern portion of the county. Information on giving, member agencies, administrative structure.
Women's Economic Ventures
Non-profit organization dedicated to helping women become economically self-sufficient through entrepreneurship and career development.