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California Journal
A monthly nonpartisan, independent magazine that provides information on California state government, politics and policy. Lists articles from current issues and previous six month
California Voter Guide
Slate mailer organization that provides paid recommendations on who to vote for.
California and national news, politics, and commentary from a decidedly right of center point of view.
Capitol Alert
California and national political news & commentary. Sponsored by the Sacramento Bee.
Capitol Audit
Links to news about California politics, policy, and current events.
Capitol Morning Report
A daily listing of news conferences, meetings, lobbyist filings, fundraisers for the California State Legislature, and other Sacramento area governmental agencies and committees. Subscription service.
Daily Republican Newspaper
Print and online daily of original reporting and research on government policy, the economy, and politics.
LA Weekly Politics
National, state, and local political news from an left of center view.
Los Angeles Free Press
A reader-written publication, it reports on and encourages activities designed to increase social, cultural, economic and political rights and freedoms for everyone locally and globally. [English and Espanol]
Los Angeles Times - Politics
Newspaper section dedicated to political news and information on elected officials and candidates.
Political Pulse
A newsletter on California politics, government and transportation, providing a behind-the-scenes look at California politics and government for nearly 20 years.
Provides audio coverage of California public hearings and political events on a fee for service basis.
Rough & Tumble
An edited, organized collection of links to recent public affairs and election stories from Jack Kavanagh, former polticial reporter and host of "California Capitol Week."
The California Channel
C-SPAN for state government. Live coverage of the Assembly and Senate, as well as candidate press conferences.